
女性的 Studies students


Through outreach, 教育, and advocacy, in pursuit of a more compassionate society, The 女性的 & Gender Equity Center envisions a safe, 授权, 协作, 包容, 和解放, social justice focused campus environment where all students, regardless of their gender or sexual identity, thrive academically, 就我个人而言, 社会, and professionally.

The Old Dominion University 女性的 & Gender Equity Center envisions being part of a community where students:

  • feel safe expressing all aspects of their identities
  • can achieve their academic goals
  • are safe from interpersonal 暴力
  • are supported in their work to create equity
  • inspire others to act in challenging oppression

The programs and services the 女性的 and Gender Equity Center (W&GEC) offers are rooted in advocacy, community building, 教育, self-empowerment, justice and equity. Through our many programs and services, we strive to:

  • Provide a space for respectful dialogue about gender, gender equity, and sexuality
  • Illuminate the interrelationship of sexism, homophobia, transphobia and gender bias & 暴力
  • Create a campus free of 暴力 and hate
  • Educate and inform on current issues impacting marginalized communities across the gender and sexuality spectrum
  • Provide leadership opportunities
  • Advocate on behalf of survivors of sexual, hate, dating and gender-based 暴力
  • Foster a thriving community of women, LGBTQIA, and men leaders
  • Be a portal to campus and community resources on women, LGBTQIA, and the many intersections of identity (e.g., race, class, ability, etc...)


The ODU 女性的 Center founded in October 1976. In 2021, they were renamed the 女性的 & Gender Equity Center, where they continue to provide information and support to women students through a variety of 教育al programs. It also provides advocacy to victims of sexual assault, relationship 暴力, stalking and sexual harassment on campus.

大约1,000件, including newsletters, 活动传单, 宣传册, 备忘录, 年度报告, 照片, and newspaper clippings were given to the University 档案 in July 2011 and added to an existing collection of papers through 2004. Browse Digital Collection >